Answers to: virt-install with VNC, how can i connect to the vnc port from a remote computer?<p>I'm trying to install XP Pro on a VM, but how do can i connect to the VNC port from a remote computer?</p> <p>i create the VM with :</p> <pre><code>sudo virt-install --name XPComputer --arch x86_64 --vcpus 1 --ram 512 --file /virtpcs/vdisks/harddrive.img --cdrom /virtpcs/isos/xp_pro_x32.iso --os-type windows --os-variant winxp --keymap no --connect qemu:///system --vnc --vncport 5901 --network bridge:virbr0 --noautoconsole </code></pre> <p>with netstat -l i can see it's listening on localhost:5901 , but i can't connect to it from the remote computer.</p>enFri, 20 Jan 2017 17:17:42 -0000