Let's say I have two network interfaces, eth0 and eth1, and I want to route traffic from different applications to either one or the other on demand. How would one do this? |
We def. need more info, which applications, why do you need to do this, etc. Without that info it's kind of a crap shoot, load balancing, private network/dmz, there are dozens of reason why one would conceivably do this, and the proper ways of doing so differ for quite a few of them. |
You can direct different traffic to o different interfaces via iptables, however, iif you're going to use the same port going to the same destination, how then would iptables know which interface to use and when? To me, it seems you're more in need of load balancing, which is what it sounds like you're seeking vs. using etho0 for this and eth1 for that. |
What application and port are you using?
I don't have specifics because this is mostly something I have been wondering, but basically I imagine using port 80 for both interfaces.