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I use an embedded terminal (Tilda) full time on my desktop, as I connect to my network of Ubuntu machines mainly thru SSH. I set up an update notification script that tells me update staus remotely, but it's kind o' clunky (I know my scripting skills are far from pro). Here's what I set up:

Create a folder ~/.updates.
Create script called updates as follows:

# cat updates
# A script to print out update status in bash
sudo apt-get update > ~/.updates/updates.log
sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade >> ~/.updates/updates.log
cat ~/.updates/updates.log | grep upgraded,

This does the job, but I'm sure it's far from optimal. Anyone have any suggestions on how to get it tightened up? This sort of thing is easy to do in some distros (Arch comes to mind), but Ubuntu is designed more for things like Update Manager and other graphical tools, so this was the best I could come up with so far. I want to be able to just get the line for available updates (for use in other scripts), not all the associated printout.

asked 07 Sep '10, 11:03

Dean%20Clemmons's gravatar image

Dean Clemmons
accept rate: 0%

Well you do have a useless use of cat on the last line.

You can do without updates.log file (but maybe you want it, it's not clear what your goal is here):

sudo apt-get update | grep upgraded,
sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade | grep upgraded,

answered 17 Sep '10, 13:31

npostavs's gravatar image

accept rate: 42%

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Asked: 07 Sep '10, 11:03

Seen: 1,335 times

Last updated: 18 Mar '11, 22:22

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