Answers to: restart one network interface (SOLVED)<p>hi,</p> <p>I have several network interfaces connected to different netwroks on my Red Hat server. I have added a new link and configured it - /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth4. Now, when I am doing ifconfig eth4 down / up the ip I had set is not written on the interface the only way to set those definitions is by service network restart, which restart's the other interfaces.</p> <p>is there any way to start only the specific interface with it's new definitions ?</p>enMon, 04 Jul 2011 15:36:04 -0400Answer by itamarm<p>Hi Ron,</p> <p>I am not familiar with the path you have mentioned. I have configured eth4 interface with static ip at: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth4</p> <pre><code>vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth4 DEVICE=eth4 BOOTPROTO=static HWADDR=00:0C:29:5D:60:8A ONBOOT=yes IPADDR= NETMASK= NETWORK= TYPE=Ethernet </code></pre> <p>any way I forgot to use the ifconfig command to set the ip definition in realtime</p> <pre><code> ifconfig eth4 </code></pre> <p>solved my problem. thanks for the bother.</p>itamarmMon, 04 Jul 2011 15:36:04 -0400 by Ron<p>Have you configured /etc/network/interfaces with the static ip for eth4 ?</p>RonMon, 04 Jul 2011 07:23:06 -0400