Hi There are many backup apps. All of them show how to begin backup and suggest where to put backup, but now the important part never seems to be told in detail. How to restore what you backed up. If you had to reinstall the OS again ,or even a similar one, how do you do that . A mass full of data in one reinstall. Is there a certain way to do this? Thank you... |
Hi. Can you tell me what do you want really to do? I need more details to understand what do you want to do. which kind of backup do you have? (database one? files? or disk partition backup?) If you have database one, you should inject the backup after an untar (may be not need to do this step, it depends on the configuration of your backup script). If the concerned backup is just a backup of a filesystem, you should do the same (untar and move the result to desired location). concerning the last case, to be honest i never had the opportunity to do it. I think you need some applications to be able to restore a disk partition backup. will search and back to you. Cheers, Lotfi. |
I use Simple Backup (sbackup). It does daily incremental and weekly full backups to a local external hard drive, which that drive is then backed up online via CrashPlan PRO just in case something happens to the local external hard drive and its backups. If I ever needed to restore, here's what I'd do. 1) Restore the PC from my Clonezilla backup image of the entire hard drive (if it's the same PC) and then do steps 2 and 3 because those files will be newer than the one in the Clonezilla image. OR If it's not the same PC, boot up the new PC with a live CD image I made of my PC (without personal settings) via Remastersys and then do steps 2 and 3. 2) Attach the external hard drive with the backup files created by Simple backup (sbackup) 3) Using Simple Backup (sbackup), restore my personal files. UPDATE: I have to add this..... test your backups. Most people fail to do that. remember, backups are worthless and restores re priceless. Thank you for your explanation. Sounds as if you have your affairs in order. I have to look into that CrashPlan thing....
(18 Oct '11, 21:12)
I do 2 to minimise on size/time of backup, and impotent /etc stuff backed up in /home using revision control. |