Answers to: How take a screenshot of 1 screen when using two screens on Linux Mint ?<p>I am using a laptop and I've connected my monitor to it to "extend" my screen . Effectively my screen is now twice as wide. I want to take a screenshot of the second screen alone. Hitting print screen takes a vertically compressed horizontally elongated screenshot. as does the gnome screenshot capture tool . I tried to use the capture an area feature but that just warps the image so bad that it becomes useless. Can anyone suggest a good solution ?</p> <p>I'm sorry if the question is n00b. I'm very new to Linux. </p>enSun, 02 Feb 2014 20:26:41 -0500Answer by Jasen<p>Here's two options:</p> <ul> <li> <p>the image should be full-sized not compressed, you're just seeing a reduced view of the image. you can edit out the bit you don't want.</p> </li> <li> <p>If you press shift-printscreen you can select which rectangle gets captured, (I can do that, you may have different hotkeys set)</p> </li> </ul>JasenSun, 02 Feb 2014 20:26:41 -0500