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I'm using a VAIO laptop with some Puppy Linux distros in the H/D ready to boot depending on my choice at the splash screen or, if no key is pressed within a short period of time, the default (first choice in list) will be booted up automatically.

One of those choices is DSL (DamnSmallLinux). I've tried above a half-dozen different entries at the menu.lst file as suggested by others at some forums but it never worked for me. I would like to see some already tried entries that have, indeed, worked. Also, it would be helpful if the actual contents of the folder containing DSL files is shown as a list of files in there.

My actual menu.lst entry for DSL is shown below:

# 9) Linux bootable partition config begins
title Damn Small Linux
rootnoverify   (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/isolinux/linux24 root=/dev/(hd0,1) ro lang=us toram noeject frugal>
initrd /boot/isolinux/minirt24.gz
# Linux bootable partition config ends

While looking at this entry above I decided to change those parts that read "/boot/isolinux" to /dsl only. I'm following the same scheme I use for other OS that I'm actually able to boot from folders beside dsl.

PS. This's the first time I'm posting here & have noticed something strange. When trying to insert text (various lines from the menu.lst files) using the tool for 'code' I was given a message to insert the text within a blue square but, even though the text was inserted, the format of the text was messed up. I finally did it by repeating the process for each line of text. Is this the correct behavior or there's another way?

Thanks in advance for any info/help on the above issues!

asked 16 Jul '13, 11:47

Benny's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

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This one really didn't work. It spat at me the following:
"Error 15: file not found"

The only thing that I can think of is introducing the boot folder under dsl & putting everything in there. What do you thiink?

I'm preparing to add that boot folder under dsl & to put in there some needed files. It will look like:

sh-4.1# cd /mnt/home/dsl
sh-4.1# ls
boot netbootme.dsk qemu dsl-base-bat.old netbootme.iso RECYCLER dsl-vhd-bat.old netbootme.usb Shortcut to EXPERIMENTO (E).lnk KNOPPIX pendrive-bat.old variousfiles
sh-4.1# cd /mnt/home/dsl/boot
sh-4.1# ls
1st-boot.bat boot.msg german.kbd isolinux.cfg logo.16 syslinux.cfg autorun.inf f2 gpxe.krn ldlinux.sys minirt24.gz f3 isolinux.bin linux24 readme.txt

My RE-edited menu.lst file looks like:

# 7) Linux bootable partition config begins
title Damn Small Linux 4.4
'# frugal in hda2 dir dsl
root (hd0,1) '# rootnoverify (hd0,1)
kernel /mnt/home/dsl/boot/linux24 root=/mnt/home/dsl knoppix_dir=/mnt/home/dsl/KNOPPIX knoppix_name=KNOPPIX
'# kernel /dsl/linux24 root=/dev/sda2/ds knoppix_dir=/dsl/KNOPPIX knoppix_name=dsl/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX frugal sata
initrd /mnt/home/dsl/boot/minirt24.gz
'# Linux bootable partition config ends

Hope the above enters the site's page unharmed due to site's editor complexities! Now to test it.


answered 03 Aug '13, 16:55

Benny's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

I tried all the changes you first suggested & even re-introduced sda2 instead of hda2, but at the end all I got was "knoppix filesystem missing".

I'm now going to try the "/mnt/home/dsl" thing & I'll post below what happens.


answered 03 Aug '13, 15:53

Benny's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

This one really didn't work. It spat at me the following:
"Error 15: file not found"

The only thing that I can think of is introducing the boot folder under dsl & putting everything in there. What do you thiink?

I'm preparing to add that boot folder under dsl & to put in there some needed files. It will look like:

sh-4.1# cd /mnt/home/dsl
sh-4.1# ls
boot netbootme.dsk qemu dsl-base-bat.old netbootme.iso RECYCLER dsl-vhd-bat.old netbootme.usb Shortcut to EXPERIMENTO (E).lnk KNOPPIX pendrive-bat.old variousfiles
sh-4.1# cd /mnt/home/dsl/boot sh-4.1# ls
1st-boot.bat boot.msg german.kbd isolinux.cfg logo.16 syslinux.cfg autorun.inf f2 gpxe.krn ldlinux.sys minirt24.gz f3 isolinux.bin linux24 readme.txt

My RE-edited menu.lst file looks like:

7) Linux bootable partition config begins

title Damn Small Linux 4.4

frugal in hda2 dir dsl

root (hd0,1)

rootnoverify (hd0,1)

kernel /mnt/home/dsl/boot/linux24 root=/mnt/home/dsl knoppix_dir=/mnt /home/dsl/KNOPPIX knoppix_name=KNOPPIX

kernel /dsl/linux24 root=/dev/sda2/ds knoppix_dir=/dsl/KNOPPIX knoppix_name=dsl/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX frugal sata

initrd /mnt/home/dsl/boot/minirt24.gz

Linux bootable partition config ends

Hope the above enters the site's page unharmed due to editor complexities!

(03 Aug '13, 16:05) Benny

Have you ever checked out They specialize in creating USB flash drives with multiple operating systems on them, much as you are doing with your hard drive.

Having all those OSs on a single flash drive can be handy. Also, the way they set up everything may also help you with setting up the same thing on your hard drive. Might be worth a read.

I had a setup like that. But on mine, I also installed DBAN, which is a system to find and destroy all partitions on a computer. I activated DBAN by mistake. In the one or two seconds it took me to stop it, the damage was done. I had two operating systems to re-install and 6 terabytes of data to restore from backups. DBAN is something that you need to consider seriously before you set it as a boot option.


answered 03 Aug '13, 15:46

purevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

Yes, I believe that all references to dsl in that section of menu.lst should have the entire path: /mnt/home/dsl


answered 03 Aug '13, 15:37

purevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

I'm suppossing you're referring in both instances to the kernel line (in relation to changing the paths to dsl), am I right? But, what about the initrd entry after the kernel one?

I was about to reboot when I saw LE's thread has been updated so I haven't performed the experiment yet... I'll do it now.


answered 03 Aug '13, 15:17

Benny's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

In that case, I think the dsl paths in menu.lst should be modified to /mnt/home/dsl/ including the knoppix_dir= statement.

Your / directory has an selinux kernel and initrd of it's own. It also has what appears to be a complete Linux filesystem. I've no idea what installation that would be from.


answered 03 Aug '13, 15:04

purevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

The same thing happenned to me while trying to post previously (editing aspect of data), not a good thing for this site.

See below for filesystem clarification (just adding missing data):

sh-4.1# pwd
sh-4.1# ls
automake dev initrd lost+found opt root selinux tmp var bin etc lib mnt proc sbin sys usr
sh-4.1# cd /mnt
sh-4.1# pwd
sh-4.1# ls
home +mnt+home+puppy528-005+virtualbox-4.1.14.sfs sda1 sda5 sdd1 sr0
sh-4.1# cd /mnt/home
sh-4.1# pwd
sh-4.1# ls
boot general_downloads netbootmein puppy528-005 Slacko-5.5.4G dsl java puppy511 puppystudio VirtualBox fonts lost+found puppy525 SAVEMARK wary512_empty

I don't understand when you said above "try this" and there's a greyed text afterward (first entry of yours of the last 3 ones).

I copied+pasted the menu.lst entries as you suggested, maked sure I took out that "/" after dsl.

I now will to reboot & try it, posting afterward whatever happens...

Edit: Before I rebooted I saw your last post/edit/comment & took remedy action at once; meaning that I inserted the "/" after the "=" sign at <knoppix_dir=dsl ...=""> entry.


answered 03 Aug '13, 14:38

Benny's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

edited 03 Aug '13, 14:44

Oops, I had a typo. The knoppix reference should read: knoppix_dir=/dsl/KNOPPIX

I forgot to include the / before "dsl in the path


answered 03 Aug '13, 14:23

purevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

Damn. It still didn't post correctly. I'll double space everything. Just remove the blank lines:

7) Linux bootable partition config begins

title Damn Small Linux 4.4

root (hd0,1)

kernel /dsl/linux24 root=/dev/hda2/dsl/ knoppix_dir=dsl/KNOPPIX knoppix_name=KNOPPIX

initrd /dsl/minirt24.gz



Linux bootable partition config ends


answered 03 Aug '13, 13:53

purevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

Let me re-post just the dsl section. The > markers indicate a line break. The system here does not include the line breaks and they are important.

7) Linux bootable partition config begins title Damn Small Linux 4.4 root (hd0,1) kernel /dsl/linux24 root=/dev/hda2/dsl/ knoppix_dir=dsl/KNOPPIX knoppix_name=KNOPPIX initrd /dsl/minirt24.gz makeactive boot Linux bootable partition config ends


answered 03 Aug '13, 13:52

purevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

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Asked: 16 Jul '13, 11:47

Seen: 8,796 times

Last updated: 12 Aug '13, 08:47

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