Answers to: fail to start graphical interface<p>Hi, I'm using Linux Mint 14 and have faced the following problem recently:</p> <p>after removing and installing some of the software (torchat and LibreOffice to be exact) and rebooting I found myself not being able to log into my system.</p> <p>first thing I noticed was simply a console line offering to enter my login and password, after that it greeted me with</p> <pre><code>bash: /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt: No such file or directory </code></pre> <p>all my attempts to run <strong>startx</strong> resulted in nothing but a black screen with an active mouse arrow</p> <p>briefly serfing the net I've found that installing <strong>mdm</strong> could be a possible solution, however, after I did that, I've started logging into this very black screen immediately, skipping any time in console</p> <p>so the only way to get to shell is to drop there using the recovery mode</p> <p>when I try to launch <strong>startx</strong> there I get the following message</p> <pre><code>Fatal server error: Could not create lock file in /tmp/.tX0-lock xinit: giving up xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused xinit: server error xauth: error in locking authority file /root/.Xauthority </code></pre> <p>also I can't remove or install anything using this shell due to blocking issues with <em>/var/lib/dpkg/lock</em> and being unable to write anything in <em>/var/cache/apt/</em></p> <p>I'd appreciate any suggestions about working this mess out. Thanks in advance</p>enThu, 22 May 2014 13:18:20 -0400Answer by dijetlo<p>You may have a locked .Xauthority, it will appear as a second .xauthority, either preceded by a ~ or followed by a .loc in roots $HOME directory. By all means remove it if it's there but I wouldn't startX under root, use a less authoritative (and therefor less potentially destructive) user to test changes in the system. <br> </p>dijetloThu, 22 May 2014 13:18:20 -0400