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Hey I'm one of the guys that hates new amarok-- mostly because it doesn't have device support for my mass storage mp3 player ..

I've been using rebuilds of amarok 1.4 for a while, can anyone tell me of this has been fixed yet on 2.3? --- the amarok folks are not to friendly about answering questions when it comes to features they have messed up since the end of 1.4

asked 06 May '10, 15:45

tim%20arnold's gravatar image

tim arnold
accept rate: 0%

edited 08 May '10, 18:49

Web31337's gravatar image


Please accept an answer so the question/answer can be finished. Or provide more details so we can help.

(20 Apr '11, 13:53) rfelsburg ♦

I just installed and checked out Clementine and am quite impressed. If you liked Amarok 1.4 you will love Clementine. this fork really cleaned up and improved 1.4 dramatically. they also are using QT 4 so it works wonderfully in KDE 4.x


answered 12 May '10, 01:14

madpuppy's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

My old Ipod works on Armorok 2.3, i don't see why other players wouldn't work, considering how much Apple tries to thwart interop. They couldn't be any worse.


answered 11 May '10, 04:33

FreeBooteR's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Amarok is better than the default music player in Linux,and it would be better in the future,i think we should support those people who make free software(at least by showing respect),you also may use VLC media player as an alternative.


answered 08 May '10, 16:14

Iraj's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Um I was being polite I still just want to know of amarok has device support yet? It's the game ended for me as far as amarok. Maybe if they made a working player that was as pretty as 2 I wouldn't have to ask

(09 May '10, 17:12) tim arnold

There is no such thing as a default music player in Linux. The choice is always yours.

(09 May '10, 20:27) Jazz ♦

I meant Rhytembox ,as you know this player usually exists in nearly all(new/old) distributions,so may be considered as default.

(18 May '10, 19:39) Iraj

I think in Linux community,problems are solved by contribution.Linux software belong to all,so we all should support,and should be a support for Linux software.Amarok is made by some people,but,all of us should try to complete their work,and if we can,t help,then it is better to report the bugs or problems or just wait for others to do the job.I am waiting too!

(18 May '10, 21:45) Iraj

There are two forks of Amarok 1.4 -Pana and Clementine. Try them.

I disliked the new Amarok at first, but they are adding the older features back in. It won't be long before they support what you want. You should keep a close watch on the Amarok website for updates.

I can understand why they are no longer friendly. They've suffered a whole lot of criticism and whining.

Which mp3 player do you have?

Edit: I've also been using aTunes - a Java music player, and it handles devices.


answered 06 May '10, 15:49

codebunny's gravatar image

accept rate: 38%

edited 06 May '10, 17:37

Yeah I do know all that thanx -- I keep reading varios reports suggesting there Is device support and then I find out there isn't I'm nor upgrading to lucid at the moment. Because it will kill my version of 1.4

I have a couple rock boxed sansa players

The reason amarok has gotten criticized so bad is because the took a stand to. Virtually ignore all user feedback and in the end got an infferior app. Read the review of 2.3 on Linux format it sums it up pretty good ,

Right now id rather stick to 1.4 but I really would like to upgrade to lucid at the same time

(06 May '10, 17:07) tim arnold

Have you tried aTunes? It's a Java music player, similar to Amarok, but with device support?

(06 May '10, 17:35) codebunny

Yes running atunes pana and clementine

Just Really looking to.find out Does amarok 2.3 support devices ??????

(06 May '10, 19:16) tim arnold
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Asked: 06 May '10, 15:45

Seen: 1,340 times

Last updated: 20 Apr '11, 13:53

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