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I am new to Linux and I have read the post "which backup tool".

After looking at some of the suggestions in existing post, I can not seem to find something that does what I want to do, at least not easily. Someone told me there was a command line DOS type utility I could use but I haven't seen anything like that.

I have a Linux Server running:

Linux version 2.6.9-89.0.23.ELsmp ( (gcc version 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-11)) #1 SMP Wed Mar 17 06:55:21 EDT 2010

The Linux Box host vmware's Server which in turn host a virtual machine.

I need to backup the entire Linux Box to my Windows 2003 Server with the goal of being able to do a cold metal restore should the linux box fail. I am looking for something that I can schedule to do a full backup and has a restore utility built into it.

Thanks --JC

asked 07 May '10, 12:51

JC's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 May '10, 21:45

Jazz's gravatar image

Jazz ♦

Please accept an answer, or provide more details on what you're looking for.

(14 Jun '11, 11:44) rfelsburg ♦

My personal favorite tool for backing up is rsnapshot, with that you can have many many snapshots at different intervals and not take up much space due to it's use of hardlinks for files that didn't change from snapshot-to-snapshot. I have mine set to do daily snapshots and backup to my NAS, although I could have just as easily backed up to my windows box if I used something like samba to mount a share folder. However, rsnapshot doesn't really 'image' the drive which is what you seem to be looking for.

For imaging, it doesn't get much better than Acronis True Image. The home version comes with the ability to create a boot CD that allows you to do a full and/or incremental image of a drive and/or partition (including MBR). However, if you want to get automated, I believe you would have to look at the much more expensive enterprise edition.

One last suggestion would be to look at bacula, last I looked that free program does everything under the sun but I have no personal experience using it but it just might be the answer you're looking for.


answered 07 May '10, 16:01

SiegeX's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Bacula is great! It might be a bit of an overkill to use it for this task, though.

(07 May '10, 21:43) Jazz ♦

you can use amanda server and backup the linux box to the windows. or if you prefer it something loess or more painful [whatever] , set up a samba server in the linux machine and do a dump of the linux machine and then copy it to windows...


answered 07 May '10, 14:13

rituraj.goswami's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If the server can be shutdown (because tghis program doesn't support live imaging - meaning imaging of the PC while it's running the OS), I suggest Clonezilla. That can be used stand-alone or over a network to push images out to a PC.

You could also setup a cronjob and just use dd as an alternative method.


answered 12 May '10, 15:11

Ron's gravatar image

Ron ♦
accept rate: 13%

It doesn't really matter what kind of storage device you backup to, as long as it is mounted as *rw (read/write).

For example, you could mount the windows sharepoint with SAMBA or NFS, and then from there my fav methods would be tar (for particular parts of the filesystem), or a great fav of mine for doing very quick updates to your single backup, rsync. rsync is only going to take the delta of the stuff you backup (whether that be the entire "/" or just parts of your filesystem).

for backing up the entire system, I would prolly use rsync, back up each individual filesystem separately (if you have mounted them on separate partitions, otherwise, do it all as one backup), and use NFS to mount the resource on the windows box.

Here's a copy of the rsync that I use to keep a current image of the Slackware-current, which I run every Wednesday evening, and keep on one of my distribution machines that is NFS exported:

rsync -avz --delete --inplace --partial \
rsync:// \

It is debatable in this case, whether the "z" parameter is useful, since the distro is already compressed for the most part.

Check out the man page for rsync and you'll glean some good perspective on the arguments I've included in the command, and remember, once you complete the initial backup, the subsequent backups are only going to include the binary difference between the parts that have already been backed up and the current OS that you're backing up.

Hope that helps!

Kindest regards,




answered 15 May '10, 01:44

tallship's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Deja Dup is capable of backing up over Samba, as is BackupPC. Additionally you can create a script that connects to Samba and backs up the specified directory, and you can set up crontab to do it automatically after a certain specified time frame has passed. Here's a link that describes one way of doing that:


answered 31 Jul '12, 22:49

Jonquil's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

CrashPlan will work. there's lots of ways to do it. rsnapshot, rsync, etc.


answered 03 Mar '13, 20:05

Ron's gravatar image

Ron ♦
accept rate: 13%

I would suggest that since this is VM, and asuming the host is linux/unix you can simply dd the VM disks to an SMB share on the windows box. There is no easier bare metal restore than dd the image back. There also no option for incremental backup. Regards


answered 15 Mar '13, 01:51

RuaisLampSilog's gravatar image

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Could any one please suggest me is there any option to create a program for an online essay writing service website using linux/unix


answered 31 Jan '15, 05:41

josegoldstein's gravatar image

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You are utilize Samba since the transport-I recommend using tar to create the actual back-up. Tar will certainly honor the actual symlinks and store the permissions too.



answered 08 May '15, 07:10

Darenhadrey's gravatar image

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Asked: 07 May '10, 12:51

Seen: 15,593 times

Last updated: 08 May '15, 07:10

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