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I need to create a presentation that cycles through a bunch of still pictures while playing some music clips in background. My M$ using friends say that they use power point for this kind of task. I don't do windows. What software can I run on my linux boxes to accomplish this same task?

Does the answer change if I have to run the presentation on a windows box?

asked 18 May '10, 19:32

rschuler's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

OpenOffice has presentation software (Impress) already built into it, and I think it can share some MS Powerpoint files.

Also there is KDE's KPresenter.

If you choose OpenOffice, you have the advantage of being able to run it on Linux, Mac and Windows. Create your presentation on one, and share it with the others.

On the other hand, although you can include sound with OpenOffice, you have a limited range of file formats to choose form, and you can't create an integrated final file with the sound embedded in it. There are a lot of issues with Impress and sound.


answered 18 May '10, 20:48

codebunny's gravatar image

accept rate: 38%

edited 19 May '10, 14:24

I'd recommend using Presentation. It also has export options that allow you to export as SWF flash file, meaning you can incorporate it easy onto a website too if you needed to.

(19 May '10, 10:50) Gareth

Eye of Gnome (eog) allows you to create a slideshow. It is installed as a default in Ubuntu and most gnome-based distros. In Nautilus File Manager, select the pictures for your slideshow. Right-click and select "Open With Image Viewer". Hit F5 and your slideshow starts.

For background music, you can use rhythmbox (or any other music player) to play the music of your choice.

Just note that the slideshow and background music run independently of each other.


answered 19 May '10, 01:21

Ricky%20Wee's gravatar image

Ricky Wee
accept rate: 0%

a great tool is which allows you to create a slide show that will work on any platform -- check it out


answered 19 May '10, 17:39

Benjamin%20West's gravatar image

Benjamin West
accept rate: 0%

Nice. Very nice. Totally portable, but I did not see how to do the music part. +1

(24 May '10, 13:23) rschuler

If you are using a KDE based distro you can try Kpresenter. It is part of the Koffice suite. you should be able to find in in you distro's software repository.

here is the link to the main website so you can see how it looks/works:

you can also install Koffice in windows if need be as well.


answered 19 May '10, 03:49

madpuppy's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

Well just because nobody else has pointed it out - Google Docs allows you to create slide shows and then share them or collaborate on them with associates. You can make a full screen presentation from google Docs to any computer. Nice tool that is free and doesn't require you to have a desktop license to use as the M$ software does.


answered 19 May '10, 19:57

FewClues's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

I don't have any personal experience using IBM's Lotus Symphony outside of what was pushed down my throat from those higher up, but it should have same features as Open Office or Powerpoint. It is supported on SLED, RHEL, Ubuntu, Mac OS X, Win.. However, you will have to look at price point to decide if it is worth further investigation.

IBM Lotus Symphony - Presentations


answered 19 May '10, 22:35

techie.brandon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I have used MANDVD to do it before. It can give a DVD that plays the slideshow and music and loops over and over.

It was FAR from user friendly, but it worked. I only mention it because it can make something suitable for use in a DVD player. That was a few years ago so it might be easier now. shows up "software center" in Lucid.


answered 21 May '10, 12:52

Dee's gravatar image

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Asked: 18 May '10, 19:32

Seen: 2,105 times

Last updated: 21 May '10, 12:52

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