Answers to: Fedora 12: When I perform su as a normal user, what checks the password?<p>I adjusted all file permissions that were 6000+ with chmod -s to secure my system. I've now made it so secure I can only log in as root by physically accessing the machine. When I perform su with my personal account I get an incorrect password error. I assume that whatever checks the password needs to run as root and is denied access it requires. Generally I would like more clarity on what happens when an su command is issued. I welcome your insights, thanks!</p>enTue, 14 Jun 2011 11:40:52 -0400Answer by rfelsburg<p>Most likely the mechanism for authentication being used is actually pam.</p> <p>Specifically, /etc/pam.d/su and /etc/pam.d/su-l</p>rfelsburgTue, 14 Jun 2011 11:40:52 -0400