We all use the shell on a daily basis and know, what advantages it has. I'd like you to post the most used commands you fired up in your shell. If you use Bash, use this code:
If you use ZSH, use this code:
My Top 10 on a Subversion server is the following:
Now post your own! Inspired by reddit.com. This question is marked as I learned you can close a shell without typing
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You can move a lot of the functionality into awk and remove a bunch of pipes via:
Anyway, here is my list that spans over a full month
I do a lot of bash scripting and compiling. Interesting point with awk, thanks!
(04 Jun '10, 05:29)
I accepted this question because there's no reason why not.
(15 Jul '10, 13:56)
1170 ssh |
I have to say my most used commands are ls -l, free, df -h and sudo in Ubuntu and su in openSUSE. |
1367 mv 1046 l ## an enhanced version of 'ls -l' 616 rm 595 locate 577 mvf ## specific-use wrapper for mv 450 mvie ## ditto 436 f ## the 'file' command 394 grep 369 cd 322 dic ## look up the arguments in several dictionaries 315 t ## 'less' 312 file 264 type 263 echo 235 ln 221 wget 221 man 219 calc ## Floating point calculator using awk 196 sudo 195 find 194 pr1 ## Print arguments, one to a line 178 xv 176 xx.sh ## file containing the latest snippet I'm working on 170 sed 157 xpdf 152 md ## 'mkdir' and optionally cd into the directory 137 urpmi ## function that calls 'sudo urpmi' 134 for 133 time 124 touch 123 r ## enhanced 'ls -lt' 121 lsc ## enhanced 'ls', basis for all other ls uses above 118 shgrep ## search shell scripts for a pattern 106 shcat ## find script and examine it with less 103 printf 103 cpsh ## Copy a script from development to production In addition, there are app that are always open, and though used constantly, are only called once per session: alpine, emacs, slrn, bash, rxvt, firefox, vlc, gentoo
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Can't really say I'm surprised by any of these.
tmux is a screen alternative. adb is an android thing, and pknfo is a bash alias for
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Here's a fresh box I just set up a few days ago and haven't had the time to really do much with ;)
Just gotta love that second to the last line there LOL!
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I have ls as most used :) I had no doubt.
May be, but sometimes, there are gems in the top ten. sth. like an alias "gimme" for "sudo apt-get install" .)
If you want to give your fingers some rest with typing
all the time you can useshopt -s autocd
.172 yaourt, 160 sudo, 114 ls, 61 cd, 50 find, 37 rdup, 31 wine, 31 rdup-simple, 26 killall :) I didn't realise, I installed (and killed) so many programs lately...
like the others I would have expected a few more 'sudo' in your list... also, I guess that 'tee' and other piped commands like 'more' or 'less' will be greatly under-represented when using $2 only
pmari: I don't have sudo rights on this server :)
um... gimme? I like that. Alot LOL!
But I had this prof years ago that would basically do the equivalent of the ol' "Sister Teresa whacking you on the back of the hand w/a ruler", if we aliased anything - kinda broke my spirit in that regard, although I will still alias nano to pico.