We all use the shell on a daily basis and know, what advantages it has. I'd like you to post the most used commands you fired up in your shell. If you use Bash, use this code:
If you use ZSH, use this code:
My Top 10 on a Subversion server is the following:
Now post your own! Inspired by reddit.com. This question is marked as I learned you can close a shell without typing
This question is marked "community wiki".
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You can move a lot of the functionality into awk and remove a bunch of pipes via:
Anyway, here is my list that spans over a full month
I do a lot of bash scripting and compiling. Interesting point with awk, thanks!
(04 Jun '10, 05:29)
I accepted this question because there's no reason why not.
(15 Jul '10, 13:56)
Here's mine: 223 vi 179 ls 176 cd 55 svn 33 git 32 la 32 cp 27 rsync 23 rm 22 screen This seems a little telling of only what I have been doing lately. For instance, I just tried to learn about git and so all 33 hits were from one session and very rarely used before. ll and la are aliases for ls. It is interesting as I had expected very different results. I will probably need to increase the size of my history cache and try again later. I look forward to seeing the results. That looks like a developer @ work :D
(07 Jun '10, 20:36)
What's mc? Mic check?
(07 Jun '10, 20:34)
Midnight Commander - Probably the best text mode file manager ever made.
(15 Jun '10, 19:30)
That's my fresh install :) |
I have ls as most used :) I had no doubt.
May be, but sometimes, there are gems in the top ten. sth. like an alias "gimme" for "sudo apt-get install" .)
If you want to give your fingers some rest with typing
all the time you can useshopt -s autocd
.172 yaourt, 160 sudo, 114 ls, 61 cd, 50 find, 37 rdup, 31 wine, 31 rdup-simple, 26 killall :) I didn't realise, I installed (and killed) so many programs lately...
like the others I would have expected a few more 'sudo' in your list... also, I guess that 'tee' and other piped commands like 'more' or 'less' will be greatly under-represented when using $2 only
pmari: I don't have sudo rights on this server :)
um... gimme? I like that. Alot LOL!
But I had this prof years ago that would basically do the equivalent of the ol' "Sister Teresa whacking you on the back of the hand w/a ruler", if we aliased anything - kinda broke my spirit in that regard, although I will still alias nano to pico.