Answers to: Debian Lenny seg faults when installing<p>Hi, apt on my Debian Lenny seg faults every couple of times when i try to install something. I tried everything! I removed almost everything from sources.list, i removed the apt cache but still it gives me errors. Why is this happening? What's causing it?</p>enThu, 03 Jun 2010 19:26:24 -0400Answer by Sander Marechal<p>Did you verify apt? I.e, check md5 sums to make sure that the binary is right. Try reinstalling apt.</p> <p>Also, try a trace or strace of apt and see where/why it segfaults. Post the results here.</p> <p>Another option is to run apt in gdb. Install gdb and run <code>gdb apt</code>, no other parameters. When gdb starts, type <code>run</code>, followed by whatever parameters you want to pass to apt. E.g: <code>run install some-package</code>. When you get a segfault, type <code>bt</code> which stands for backtrace. Post the results here.</p>Sander MarechalThu, 03 Jun 2010 19:26:24 -0400