Answers to: What happened to the gOS Cloud boot option on the Gygabyte M912x netbook?<p>Before buying the M912x netbook I had read some reviews about it having an option to quickly boot into a gOS Cloud environment (that is, similar to those famous SplahTop one) but after using it for a while I still haven't found how to access this option/feature or if it is present at all on the computer...<p> any hint?<p> [and again, if someone could fix the tags...]</p>enWed, 20 Apr 2011 14:11:29 -0400Comment by rfelsburg on pmarini's question<p>Please accept an answer so the question/answer can be finished. Or provide more details so we can help.</p>rfelsburgWed, 20 Apr 2011 14:11:29 -0400