Answers to: Howto enable sound for Gwibber, Empathy and MeMenu in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynix?<p>I did what this link told: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> however, the sound doesn't come out. Is there any other way to configure the sound? I use fujitsu S6420 notebook.</p>enFri, 06 Aug 2010 15:27:59 -0400Answer by DBA<p>If you can't get things going at the GUI level, all of the lower-level information you'll need to sort out the problem is in /proc/asound.</p> <p>It will show what hardware is recognized (cards), what kernel modules are loaded (modules), what devices are tied to what hardware (devices along with pcm) as well as a host of other details.</p> <p>Good Luck.</p>DBAFri, 06 Aug 2010 15:27:59 -0400 by sica07<p>try this command from the terminal:</p> <pre><code>amixer set Master 90% unmute &amp; amixer set PCM 85% unmute </code></pre>sica07Fri, 25 Jun 2010 12:01:46 -0400