I was curious to know what is the editor of choice for my fellow Linux users. For years it has been a vi vs. emacs debate but it appears there many more. Please reply with your favorite editor. I personally prefer vim.
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My answer is that it depends on what I'm doing. If I need a small file built quick, I might just go with simply redirecting input with cat, or use Nano (or Pico). I like mcedit and vim for command line use, but Kate is my preferred editor for coding in a GUI.
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I keep returning to the built-in editor of mc (Midnight commander) when working on the console. Vi or emacs have never impressed me. Vi because it's jusk plain awkward and Emacs because it's way too complex. When in a GUI-environment, i use Krusader as replacement for mc, and krusader's internal text-editor for textfiles. Or Kwrite. Or Kate. Or... I'm not religious. If the editor provides reasonable facilities, i'll use it. I like having syntax highlighting, text 'folding' and tabbed windows.
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Well, seems like everyone has the traditional Linux editors covered. So, I'll toss in TextMate as my favorite editor period and yes, it's still Linux (somewhere, way down there, I promise...)
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I've found kate to be pretty kewl ;) and bluefish is pretty good too when you need a little hybridization between just a text editor and an IDE. But I still end up using pico or vim more often than not to quickly get into a file and do something quickly and get out. You just can't beat the text based editors when you know exactly what you want, and need to get it done fast.
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I've settled on emacs. The more you use it, the more you can customize it. I also use it as my email client.
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