<p>Regarding the first point, the usual ways of spreading the word come to mind. With our new solution-repository idea as mentioned under /1479/ and our change to a new service, there's quite a "reboot" to write about. So:</p>
<li>Blog about it</li>
<li>Twitter about it</li>
<li>post in according Forums</li>
<p>If we're lucky, the story gets picked up by good RSS-Feed-Providers like <a href="http://www.linuxtoday.com/" rel="nofollow">Linux Today</a>.</p>
<p>In my opinion, the second point will solve itself after the changes mentioned in /1479/. If the site looks like it's being actively managed, and new questions/solutions get posted continuously, new users will come and stay.</p>
<p>Edit: I just had another idea regarding the problem with questions never being marked as answered and getting pushed by the community bot. Why not grant some users the ability to <strong>vote an answer</strong> for questions that they didn't create, in addition to having the right to <strong>vote to close</strong> them. This would solve a lot of problems regarding motivation and cleanup. </p>
<p>If this is established, a mailing list for administration/moderation would be appropriate.</p>