Where can I get a simple Linux IDE (Integrated Development Environment)?
<p>I have an answer for this one ... wanted to share.</p>
<p>The question comes up with some regularity. For me it came up because I was teaching a beginner to code in C / C++ on his Ubuntu box, but they had already been spoiled by limited exposure to a Windows IDE.</p>
<p>You mean you have type gcc at the
command line ... and then you have to
type the program name to execute it? Why can't I just hit a button?</p>
<p>The answer is that IMHO, teaching a development environment to a beginner before you teach them C makes things harder, not easier. So what you want for a beginner is something as dirt simple as possible, that does not interpose itself between them and their code.</p>
<p>I attach my answer ... and am eager for other contributions.</p>