Questions Tagged With configuration tagged <span class="tag">configuration</span>enFri, 23 Jul 2010 15:37:51 -0400Processing passed arguments in script<p>I'm trying to decide between short and long options, such as:</p> <p>-h </p> <p>vs.</p> <p>--help</p> <p>Obviously there are packages that deal with this, particularly in shell and perl programming.</p> <p>Getopts, Getopts::Std, and Getopts::Long</p> <p>I would prefer to use both, both -h and --help being a call for a help/usage function, but that requires quite a bit more effort.</p> <p>So my question is, what are the pros and cons of both, while I like the readability of the long notation, it's also nice and cleaner to be able to use just the simple single character flags.</p>rfelsburgFri, 23 Jul 2010 15:37:51 -0400 do I change my profile picture without registering with Gravatar?<p>After trying a few times and looking around on the Gravatar website (where they state that "Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account!") I am unable to choose a custom picture to use in my profile, unless I register with the Gravatar website first...!!??</p>pmariniWed, 12 May 2010 11:40:14 -0400