Questions Tagged With fedora-12 tagged <span class="tag">fedora-12</span>enTue, 05 Mar 2013 03:44:08 -0500Modifying trace file format<p>i m working with ns2.35 in fedora ver. 16. i want to make changes to the trace file generated. i modified the and the .h file but tat dint reflect in the trace file. where do i need to make the corresponding changes?</p>PavithTue, 05 Mar 2013 03:44:08 -0500 Filesystem in fedora 12<p>Dear All I have installed fedora 12 on my system and i am getting this error message on my booting screen. <strong><em> An error occurred during this file system check. </em></strong> Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot *** when you leave the shell; Give root password for maintenance (or type Control-D to continue)</p> <p>typing Control-D it's reboot my system and get the same error and i type the root password for repairing my linux file system then i got this error after login.</p> <p>bash: connot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell (Reapir filesystem) 1 # </p> <p>in this termnal i run fsck -A -y command to repair my filesystem. then i got error</p> <p>fsck.ext4: Ubable to resolve ' UUID= ..................................,</p> <p>and after rebooting i got the same error.</p> <p>Plz Help me</p> <p>Regards Abdul</p>abdul9711Mon, 30 Apr 2012 05:51:00 -0400 Linux distribution for a non-technical user<p>I'm considering installing Linux on my home PC, which is essentially my wife's PC. She really only uses for Web Browsing, Email (via a Web Interface), for our family photos (Picasa is what she currently uses). If I were to get her on the Linux Bandwagon, what distribution do you recommend? We have Athlon Dual Core machine with 6 gigs of RAM and a 500 MB hard drive.</p> <p>I'm currently leaning towards the following:</p> <ul> <li>Ubuntu 10.04 LTS</li> <li>Fedora 12</li> </ul> <p>I've heard StudioUbuntu is good as well which may be the logical course based on her current use.</p>AndyFri, 16 Jul 2010 18:31:21 -0400 and F12 - odd couple?<p>Hi,</p> <p>OK, at the risk of a tornado, here is a question. I tried (several times with no success) to install F12 on a Compaq. A simple enough little thing, 1.5Gb memory, 250Gb hard drive, fast enough, hey, one of those ultra slimlines. Installing in graphical mode seems to be a problem, VESA is required. I can survive on VESA, no sweat. But after reboot, the machine cannot find the boor partition. I cannot reboot, the thing screams this:</p> <blockquote> <p>Kernel panic - not syncing : VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)</p> </blockquote> <p>A Compaq issue? I'm at the fork in the road here: either change distro (dont wanna, I like RH/Fedora - but if I HAVE to...) or get a "white"/non-brand brand-new PC (for once, I only have second hands)</p> <p>Ok, some intel/feedback would be is sunday afternoon, so, hey...</p> <p>Wellness!</p> <p>Thor</p>ThorSun, 25 Apr 2010 15:14:48 -0400