Questions Tagged With xfce tagged <span class="tag">xfce</span>enSun, 16 Feb 2014 13:39:19 -0500[SOLVED] Using XFCE 4.8, How to Increase font size in Dolphin<p>I'm using XFCE 4.8. I'd like to try Dolphin as my default file manger. The fonts are to small in the file list (detailed, icon, or compact) view, but not in the left navigation pane. How can I increase the font size? "Zooming in" only increases the size of the icon, not the file or directory name.</p> <pre>dolphin --version Qt: 4.8.2 KDE Development Platform: 4.8.4 (4.8.4) Dolphin: 2.0 </pre>Andy AlkalineSun, 16 Feb 2014 13:39:19 -0500 menu editing<p>Hi,</p> <p>I am experimenting with the Zenwalk distro with xfce desktop environment (the distro is based on Slackware), and I can pretty much do anything I wish... but only one problem: I tried to edit the applications menu based on advice found on <a href=""></a><a href=""></a>, and it's kind of a hit and miss. For example, I installed firefox 5 and removed icecat, but when I replaced the menu for icecat and customized it so it points to firefox symlink and icon etc., now I get both icecat and firefox entries in the application menu.</p> <p>I also tried to find a good reliable GUI for editing that pesky menu, but none worked. Any help would be appreciated. I am comfortable editing on command-line and all, but I just find the directions confusing.</p> <hr> <p>Well, after 2 days, still no answer here, this must be a really lame site for getting answers... i am disappointed.</p> <p>Anyway, I found out by myself, there are two places you need to look for _<em>.desktop_ files on the file system, then you'll figure out whether you have to edit the ones in your profile, or the one shared by all users (probably somewhere in </em>/usr/shared/...*).</p> <p>You can use the <strong>find</strong> command for that:</p> <p><code>sudo find / -iname *.desktop</code></p>woohooFri, 29 Jul 2011 11:47:57 -0400 did the taskbar go in XFCE????<p>Here's a question I get a lot from users...</p> <p>My task bar and start menu thingy disappeared in my XFCE desktop. how do I get it back?</p> <p>Also, people who aren't familiar with the virtual desktops under that window manager also often ask where their running applications went to, and the answer is usually that they hovered over the desktop and scrolled their mousewheel, landing on another virtual desktop.</p> <p>The first question is a less intuitive question, however, since there is functionality that the user seemingly loses until they get that bar on the bottom of their screen back, so they can log off, launch and switch applications, etc.</p>tallshipFri, 14 May 2010 22:26:07 -0400