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● Critic First down vote
21 The users have been awarded with badges:
jeremy ♦♦1.0k●1●5●16 × 2
Web31337317●1●11 × 1
george166●3●6●12 × 1
martvefun166●2●3●10 × 1
Jazz ♦781●1●3●12 × 1
Amos132●1●3●12 × 1
FewClues249●1●2●9 × 1
gjcwilliams357●2●9 × 1
gregularexpr...197●1●1●7 × 1
feinom219●5 × 1
Joehillen146●2●5●12 × 1
guerda553●3●5●15 × 1
madpuppy162●4 × 1
Ron ♦936●1●7●18 × 1
pmarini286●2●16 × 1
rfelsburg ♦606●1●6●18 × 1
tallship390●1●11 × 1
Andy297●2●9●20 × 1
SamsLembas123●3 × 1
landroni531●3●6●13 × 1
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