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Does Linux have a process/daemon manager similar to Windows' Services Control Panel that displays all available servers and services and lets you configure which ones to automatically start on system boot, and which can only be manually started?

I download and experiment with a lot of stuff, from Mumble Server to Nagios, but want a way to turn them off and keep them turned off till I'm ready to use them. I know I can use System Monitor, htop, top, ps -A, kill -9, etc., but none of those seem to provide a way to set the services to default to off, only kill it once it's running.

I restart periodically b/c sometimes I break stuff (still learning) and can't figure out how to fix them besides restarting. Hence would prefer a way to setup the system boot into a minimal state, from which I can enable extra services as needed/wanted.

asked 24 Jul '10, 06:59

Kurtosis's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

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(20 Apr '11, 14:12) rfelsburg ♦

I'm sot sure is other distros have it, but Fedora has system-config-services

Easy to install:

yum system-config-services

You will see the installed services, start/stop them, and enable/disable them from there.

Andres Arenas Velez


answered 24 Jul '10, 11:14

Andres's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Thanks, I'm on Ubuntu and tried to apt-get it, but not in the repo. I'll remember that for when I'm using Fedora-based distros, thanks.

(28 Jul '10, 07:09) Kurtosis

It sounds like you're looking for chkconfig. It does exactly what you're looking for, by giving you the ability to setup whether a daemon/service starts/stays off on each runlevel of the system at bootup.


answered 24 Jul '10, 17:12

rfelsburg's gravatar image

rfelsburg ♦
accept rate: 25%

Thanks, I tried chkconfig but everytime I use chkconfig -s [name] off it throws a page long error about missing LSB tags, overrides, and Upstart jobs not supporting lsb-header.

(28 Jul '10, 07:13) Kurtosis

If you're on ubuntu I would use update-rc.d

for example:

update-rc.d -f nagios remove

You can just type update-rd.d and you should get a usage message.

(28 Jul '10, 16:40) rfelsburg ♦

sysv-rc-conf and/or chkconfig

sysv-rc-conf Description: SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal sysv-rc-conf provides a terminal GUI for managing "/etc/rc{runlevel}.d/" symlinks. The interface comes in two different flavors, one that simply allows turning services on or off and another that allows for more fine tuned management of the symlinks. Unlike most runlevel config programs, you can edit startup scripts for any runlevel, not just your current one.

chkconfig Description: system tool to enable or disable system services Chkconfig is a utility to update and query runlevel information for system services. Chkconfig manipulates the numerous symbolic links in /etc/init.d/, to relieve system administrators of some of the drudgery of manually editing the symbolic links.


answered 24 Jul '10, 23:38

craigevil's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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Asked: 24 Jul '10, 06:59

Seen: 3,250 times

Last updated: 20 Apr '11, 14:12

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