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I usually work with 4 terminals, each of which stay at 4 specific(and different) directories. Is there any emulator that remembers its last session and restores it once once I launch it? I don't mind manually saving the session. I work with yakuake(recently switched from guake) and terminator, all of which are cool but inconvenient to manuallry open 4 terminals and set the directories manually.

asked 27 Apr '10, 09:02

atilla's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 May '10, 20:26

Web31337's gravatar image


Please accept an answer so the question/answer can be finished.

(20 Apr '11, 13:42) rfelsburg ♦

I'm a big fan of GNU Screen. It's a terminal multiplexer that allows you to have multiple virtual terminals open in one terminal. You can use the .screenrc files to open a certain set of programs and shells when it starts if you like.

Really, there's a lot more power in it too. For instance, you can log in to a machine running screen, then log out and back in later and see what you've missed. You can copy and paste between terminals, etc.


answered 28 Apr '10, 10:41

kainosnous's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

I second screen. You can leave your computer and reconnect later without loosing your history, exports, etc.

(29 Apr '10, 00:25) LiquidPaper

Screen is awesome for working remotely on a server through ssh.

(03 May '10, 20:01) Arshad

I agree that screen is awesome but it cannot separate windows vertically. My monitors are usually 16:10 or even some 19:9 so horizontal division doesn't make much sense.

(13 May '10, 20:40) atilla

According to a Google search for "screen vertical split", it seems to be possible. I've seen it done before, though I haven't used it.

(14 May '10, 04:48) kainosnous

It may not be the most convenient option, but, if the terminals stay at specific locations, why not automatically run a simple bash script upon login, which starts your mentioned terminals in the specified directories:


gnome-terminal --working-directory /etc/samba &
gnome-terminal --working-directory /home/jazz &
gnome-terminal --working-directory /home/jazz/workspace &
gnome-terminal --working-directory /var/log &


answered 27 Apr '10, 10:09

Jazz's gravatar image

Jazz ♦
accept rate: 33%

Good idea, now let me find a way to do that with guake or yakuake.

(27 Apr '10, 21:13) atilla

You could start yakuake with the "--config <filename>"-argument, and write different configuration files (~/.kde/share/config/yakuakerc) for your different directories. e.g.: yakuake --config /home/jazz/customizedyakuake1

(27 Apr '10, 22:37) Jazz ♦

I also am a fan of GNU screen.

It has another advantage. If you log in with screen, you can start something running that takes a long time to complete, log out, log into a different machine, and see it's progress.

Back before Wine was available in repositories, I used to log into my home PC from work, download the latest wine source with wget, and compile it. Both downloading and compiling took a long time, so I would often do it just before leaving work and let it continue while I drove home.


answered 03 May '10, 16:44

KenJackson's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I've got nothing new to add except to bump the recommendation to use GNU screen, it's one of my favorite tools.


answered 03 May '10, 19:37

54Rigger's gravatar image

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Asked: 27 Apr '10, 09:02

Seen: 3,843 times

Last updated: 20 Apr '11, 13:42

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