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I have a lenovo t 61 -- It was great -- of course completely installed with linux - then the battery died, i think the charges have run out, is not working. SO I reinstalled from a cd-- and now I don't know how to retrieve my info or connect to internet- Im concerned if I change internet setting I will ruin something- I also do not know what to type in the konsole to get BACK my info --

asked 03 Nov '10, 06:07

carol's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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(20 Apr '11, 14:26) rfelsburg ♦

If the battery died, how (and why??) did you re-install Linux?

Did you reformat the computer to re-install Linux? If so, data is probably gone unless /home was on another drive which was not reformatted. /home (which is where each user's home directory is stored at) contains many hidden files and folders, including settings. ( /opt is another place you want to backup as well. )

Realize that most "applications" are really just a GUI front-end for what can be done via the command line. For example, you can use Brasero to record a CD, but you can also use the command line as well. Brasero acts as the front-end for that. Now some things are best done via command line vs a GUI front-end. For example, you can use fwbuilder to configure iptables (which itself is used to configure netfilters), but you'd have a lot more options (and control) configuring iptables from the command line vs from fwbuilder (the GUI front-end for it). point being..... this is where using the command line is really a must. You should learn it if you want to do any advanced work with Linux.


answered 03 Nov '10, 17:39

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Ron ♦
accept rate: 13%

edited 04 Nov '10, 13:51

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Asked: 03 Nov '10, 06:07

Seen: 1,089 times

Last updated: 20 Apr '11, 14:26

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