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i was using virgin mobile datamax with i want to shift from windows to ubuntu linux 10.10.i face a problem.this os doesn't accept this datacard.

the device itself a modem plus usb.i have tried all options but nothing seems to be working.i am technically not that much sound.i am from india. any assistance?

asked 19 Dec '10, 10:11

rama%20ballav's gravatar image

rama ballav
accept rate: 0%

Try it with 10.04LTS. The LTS releases (Long Term Support) are much more stable than the releases pushed out every 6 months regardless of how solid the coding is. This mid-term releases have code which is more more in-flux than the last (or next) LTS will have.

In the past, I used 9.04 which was fine, I upgraded to 9.10 and many things broke. Others haven't had any issues with 9.10. Yes, people can still have issues with the LTS versions of Ubuntu, but far less so with the LTS versions/releases than with the mid-term ones.

In short, backup, reformat, do a fresh install of 10.04LTS. Does it work? If so, cool. If not, look elsewhere. Maybe it's the hardware itself? 10.10 (for me...) is too unstable of code to trust.


answered 20 Dec '10, 20:56

Ron's gravatar image

Ron ♦
accept rate: 13%

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Asked: 19 Dec '10, 10:11

Seen: 1,389 times

Last updated: 29 Mar '11, 00:22

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