Hi, When I got mail about this site I thought is was software for using Outlook with Dovecot or alike. Anyway. Has anyone seen an open source project for that? Support for Mail, Contact, Calendar that is gratis. Also mobile sync would be great. :-) Best, Jon |
The closest thing I can think of would have to be Zimbra. Zimbra supports email, group calendar, contacts, instant messaging, file storage and web document management. There are different versions available. For a list of features/product differences, go to http://www.zimbra.com/products/product_editions.html |
If you're adventurous you could do it yourself instead of using a complete package as some other posters suggested. That's what I did, because it's fun to put together.
I have implemented all of the above on my own server, except for Funambol. I only needed that to sync iCal data from the calendar server to my phone over SyncML. Instead, I am simply going to buy an Android phone. That way I don't need a sync app anymore since the phone can access the services directly. |
Checkout Open-Xchange - http://www.open-xchange.com/ and the online demo at http://www.open-xchange.com/en/products/open-xchange-appliance-edition-en/online-demo |