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Hello! I desire block sites unnecessary with the Iptables. Which the process ? And for save the commands ?

Thanks you!

asked 15 Nov '11, 19:33

gshack's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Outbound or inbound?

(17 Nov '11, 19:28) Joehillen

If you want to block certain countries or IP ranges on one computer, then configuring iptables on that specific computer is the way to go.

If you want to block certain websites on one computer, then you want to work with the host allow and deny files on that specific computer.

If you want to block websites on all computers on the network, then you'd be better off setting up a proxy server like squid and using that instead.

By "sites", I'm assuming that you mean "websites", correct? Please clarify your question.

As for the save command for iptables, it's iptables-save and iptables-restore. Settings are not saved on reboot, so you need to iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules and then in your /etc/network/interfaces do a pre-up with iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules


answered 21 Nov '11, 10:04

Ron's gravatar image

Ron ♦
accept rate: 13%

Since I took the time to respond, it'd be nice if you would at least read what I wrote and respond in kind, however, I think like many, you posted, waited a few minutes, and if you didn't get a response, you moved on, thus wasting both our time. You for not reading the replies and posting in kind, and for those who anser, their time is wasted because there is no discourse or discussion. In many cases, I've asked not only provided possible answers on what little information I've been given, but I've also asked for clarification of the question, only to never get a response from the OP at all.

When this happens enough, people will not respond simply they don't want to waste their time responding to posts that the OP won't read or care to respond to.

(05 Dec '11, 14:04) Ron ♦
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Asked: 15 Nov '11, 19:33

Seen: 2,145 times

Last updated: 05 Dec '11, 14:04

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