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Hi All,

I have an ASUS EEEPC 900 Linux Xandros OS with 4GB of SSD (2.5 GB dev sda 1 and 1.5 GB dev sda 2). For three and a half years now I would only have about 3 GB total use on the SSD and about 1 GB available. In the last few days, I have none available or maybe just 30 MB. When I try to do a screen capture it ask is Check to see if the dcopserver is running. I looked in Task Mgr and it showed the the KDE nosid suicide. My browser is Firefox 3.6.28. I have an 16 GB SDMC card always installed as my D drive and have all of my pic etc on it. I have 6.5 GB available.

I would like to get it back like it was? I really do not want to do an F9 key "restore to factory settings" because then I will have to upgrade everything.

Otherwise, I can surfing, emailing, banking etc with the netbook. One thing though, I have my 46 inch HD LCD tv as my monitor via a VGA/Mini Stereo jacks. Sometimes when I play a Youtube video, I have to unplug the audio jack from the back of the tv in ortder to hear it from the tv and when I unplug the audio jack at the netbook I can hear the audio.

I have a broadband ISP using an ethernet RJ45 cable. No wireless router.


Donald in Louisiana

asked 31 Mar '12, 15:12

doncos's gravatar image

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Ok, Donald.

First thing - do you have it backed up? To an external USB drive. The whole thing?

You probably need to purge your Firefox cache for a start. Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy -> Clear your recent History -> select Cache -> Ok.

Then, there are a bunch of .hidden directories that accumulate stuff.

I have found ncdu to be a useful tool, but without some stuff to download and compile it, you probably won't be able to use it.

There is a utility called File Size Viewer that will show you how your disk space is being used. You can run that and see if there is any thing in your home folder that you can get rid of. You may have old files that you have forgotten about.

Look in .local/share/Trash to see if you have files there that can be deleted.

If you open a terminal window, the command

du -scm * | sort -n

will sort your folders so that the largest is at the bottom. You can then examine those folders to see if you can delete anything from them.

You should also look in /tmp for files that can be deleted.

I would also suggest that you mount your home folder on a SD card so that the SSD drive holds only your operating system.


answered 17 Apr '12, 06:58

Seth%20Brown's gravatar image

Seth Brown
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As @Seth Brown says, du is your friend. You can also use ls -rlRt / | less or find / -mtime 5 | less to find files that have recently been accessed and possibly changed. You could then sort them in reverse order by size by piping the output into the sort command.

Finding out what changed is half of the battle. Then, you have to find out why and if the files can be deleted without affecting anything else.


answered 01 Aug '12, 21:19

josephj11's gravatar image

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Asked: 31 Mar '12, 15:12

Seen: 3,853 times

Last updated: 01 Aug '12, 21:19

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