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How do I calibrate my HP CP1518ni printer thru linux, HP basically says get windows. CUPS-Calibrate will do the color but not the alignment which is the problem. appears the "Blue" is out of alignment with the other colors. I have done a diagnostics and it confirms it needs calibration. have been using this printer with several flavors of linux for a couple years and it has been rock solid until now and it went out between two prints, I was doing 4 and 1&2 were fine 3&4 were out. currently running Kubuntu 12.4 but have been since it was release.
how do I get this thing working again. have reset defaults, and shut it down for long periods and rebooted but nada.

help is expensive paper weight

thanks Bob

asked 02 Oct '12, 18:49

accessbob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It seems that your printer is supported by hplip. Install that and calibrate through the HP toolbox. Ensure you read all the instructions!


answered 04 Mar '13, 16:53

XavierP's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

If you haven't found it already, : HP Unofficial Linux website


answered 01 Aug '13, 09:16

purevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

actually an olde tech gave me the answer that worked. he told me to run the "Calibrate now" command from the printer itself at least 4-5 times in a row one right after the other finished. seemed strange but what do I have to lose. and derned if it didn't work.

already had all of the software installed so that wasn't it.

thanks Bob


answered 01 Aug '13, 10:50

accessbob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

actually an olde tech gave me the answer that worked. he told me to run the "Calibrate now" command from the printer itself at least 4-5 times in a row one right after the other finished. seemed strange but what do I have to lose. and derned if it didn't work.

already had all of the software installed so that wasn't it.

thanks Bob


answered 01 Aug '13, 10:51

accessbob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Oops, guess I didn't read your original post carefully enough. I didn’t' see you were trying to align the cartridges. Yes, that can be done via the menu on the printer.

There is also the terminal command "hp-align" but that only applies to certain printer models, not including my own Officejet Pro 8600

Depending on your printer model, "align cartridges" may or may not be available in HPLIP.


answered 01 Aug '13, 11:03

purevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

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Asked: 02 Oct '12, 18:49

Seen: 2,280 times

Last updated: 01 Aug '13, 11:03

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