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I have had terrific advice from a super user regarding other questions and would like to have him view my latest dilemma. Is there anyway to send a request for his purview? If so, may I have the steps to do so? I am exceptionally challenged by Xandros KDE that I have yet to understand how to untar, as well as many other functions. Unfortunately most of the directions are from the advanced desktop which I am unable to get due to not having a ksmserver kicker that I am unable to install. Now that I have bored you into a coma, I shall stop babbling and hope for an answer. Either way I wish health and happiness to you and yours!

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 13 Sep '13, 03:17

xxfool's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 13 Sep '13, 09:55

jeremy's gravatar image

jeremy ♦♦

I just re read my post and I sincerely apologize to the entire community. There are many, many experts in this forum which could answer any question I posed. I meant no insult and will ask only Linux questions from this point forward. With regrets, X

(13 Sep '13, 18:45) xxfool

The question has been closed for the following reason "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by jeremy 13 Sep '13, 09:55

There is no way to send a request to a specific member. Please feel free to post the question for all to see though and it's likely it will get addressed. I'm closing this as it's not actually a question about Linux or Open Source.


answered 13 Sep '13, 09:54

jeremy's gravatar image

jeremy ♦♦
accept rate: 37%

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Asked: 13 Sep '13, 03:17

Seen: 1,901 times

Last updated: 13 Sep '13, 18:45

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