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I upgraded my Ubuntu AMD 64 bit machine to 10.04. With that came Mozilla Thunderbird 3, which works OK for a while than just disappears.


AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+

Am I alone in having this problem?

asked 11 May '10, 08:18

Frank%20McNamara's gravatar image

Frank McNamara
accept rate: 0%


I've not had such a problem, try lunching Thunderbird in the terminal with thunderbird, that way when it exits you might get some clues.

(11 May '10, 10:10) gregularexpr...

could you give more details of what happens? what's the last thing you do before it disappears? is it always after a fixed amount of time? how big is your email? did you change any settings in ThunderBird?

(12 May '10, 09:21) pmarini

Please accept an answer so the question/answer can be finished. Or provide more details so we can help.

(20 Apr '11, 13:57) rfelsburg ♦

How about you search the bug reports at launchpad and maybe you will find some relevant answers to your problem.


answered 11 May '10, 13:05

HumbleFaust's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Is there any information in /var/log/messages that would include an error messages?


answered 11 May '10, 21:14

r0000t's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I suggest that you disable the indexing option of Thunderbird 3 as a starting point to see if that is causing the process to die. I was having similar problems with TB3 on a 64 bit system about a month ago.

To do this:

Tools -> Options -> Advanced

Under General Tab, uncheck the indexer option.


answered 28 May '10, 14:31

Andy's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%


I am sitting on a AMD64 running Ubuntu (Dual with Mint) and I have had a problem with Thunderbird hanging the system but never disappearing. Thunderbird gets confused when your files are large - especially Archive - and that is overcome by compacting the folders.

If it were me I would back up my files and then do a complete removal and reinstall.

When you say disappears if you mean from the menu you might right click on the menu and select "reload plugings" to put it back.

A little more help as to what's going on when it disappears would help a bit too.


answered 29 May '10, 07:21

FewClues's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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Asked: 11 May '10, 08:18

Seen: 3,117 times

Last updated: 20 Apr '11, 13:57

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