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In karmic and jaunty when I would logout or shutdown the computer the prompt that would confirm the action would have a 60 second timer attached to it. When the timer expired the dialog would assume an OK response and proceed with the shutdown or logout.

This is missing in lucid. I was wondering if there was a way to get it back? After a bit of research it seems that this was a hated feature. I am not sure why. To me it meant that if I forgot to acknowledge the dialog it would be acknowledged automatically in 60 seconds for me. I always thought that this was good. Now it doesn't time out and I still have to click OK. I don't see the advantage.

Any ideas or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Troy

asked 11 May '10, 12:33

Troy's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 11 May '10, 14:36

guerda's gravatar image


Doing a bit of looking around on this it looks like this is actually a bug and has been reported:

Expect them to fix it sometime soon then :)

EDIT: Just read through the bug report and it looks like it was by design and it was altered in code so there is no easy way to re-enable that feature I am afraid.


answered 11 May '10, 13:40

Gareth's gravatar image

accept rate: 62%

Thanks Gareth. It is unfortunate that it appears to be a hard-coded fix.

(11 May '10, 13:53) Troy

Hello my friend You can suppress this confirmation dialog using Ubuntu-tweak package easily.

That's a nice tool for tweaking many features of Ubuntu. Take a look at the project's website

Enjoy Lucid!


answered 11 May '10, 13:24

Mohammad-Hadi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

He's not talking about suppressing the dialogue, he's talking about getting the timer back that the dialogue used to have.

(11 May '10, 13:38) Gareth

Mohammad-Hadi, thanks for the tip on ubuntu tweak! Gareth is correct I am looking to re-enable the timer.

(11 May '10, 13:52) Troy

Nice to know about Ubuntu-tweak though! Thank you Mohammad

(11 May '10, 19:52) pcardout

Alt+F2 >> gconf-editor >> apps >> indicator session >> supress_logout_restart_shutdown


answered 11 Sep '10, 06:03

brad's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 11 May '10, 12:33

Seen: 2,921 times

Last updated: 11 Sep '10, 06:03

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