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I'd like to see older versions of software available for my Ubuntu install. For example, to see if 5.2.13 is available in Ubuntu 10.04, so I can pin it until webapps in use support 5.3.

asked 13 May '10, 18:41

pwnguin's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

You can also use the following link to find older versions of packages for your particular release. Not as simple as the above recommendation from an installation perspective but if you need to find a particular version of an app it may prove useful!

You can also determine what version of a package are available but not necessarily older versions but maybe useful to you none the less.

apt-cache showpkg <package-name>

Also if you install "apt-show-versions" you can search for what packages versions are available in the repositories.

apt-show-versions --allversions ssh 

answered 14 May '10, 05:55

gjcwilliams's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%

apt-cache policy packagename will get you a list of available versions and what repositories they are in.

(14 May '10, 10:33) sorpigal

I don't know how to do it in apt, but both Synaptic and aptitude (the ncurses interface) have a menu that shows all available versions of a package. In Synaptic there's a "show all available versions" menu entry. In Aptitude, simply view the package.


answered 13 May '10, 20:45

Sander%20Marechal's gravatar image

Sander Marechal
accept rate: 29%

This is the correct answer.

(13 May '10, 22:05) Ron ♦

There are several methods, using the command line.

  1. If you don't know the exact name of the package, you can use dpkg -l which lists all the installed packages, and pipe it through grep to isolate just what you want. Example: dpkg -l|grep firefox. This is what I use most often. Pro: helps you find stuff easily. Con: may get your more than one package (if there are several related packages with common bits in their name). But I still prefer this approach.

  2. If you know the name of the package, you can use dpkg -s firefox. Downside: you have to know the exact name of the package, which is not always straightforward. On the upside though, this command is more powerful; if the package is not installed, it will tell you so; if it is installed, it will give you lots of info, more than just version (dependencies, description, etc.)


answered 14 May '10, 08:28

Shmoo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 13 May '10, 18:41

Seen: 3,254 times

Last updated: 14 May '10, 08:28

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