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Here's a question I get a lot from users...

My task bar and start menu thingy disappeared in my XFCE desktop. how do I get it back?

Also, people who aren't familiar with the virtual desktops under that window manager also often ask where their running applications went to, and the answer is usually that they hovered over the desktop and scrolled their mousewheel, landing on another virtual desktop.

The first question is a less intuitive question, however, since there is functionality that the user seemingly loses until they get that bar on the bottom of their screen back, so they can log off, launch and switch applications, etc.

asked 14 May '10, 22:26

tallship's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Or, you could use the Terminal.

Just type in: xfce4-panel Then, hit, enter.


answered 16 May '10, 02:15

vrkalak's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Does xfce4-panel return you to a command prompt whilst still running, or does it lock that terminal. If it's the latter then running "xfce4-panel &" might be a better option.

(16 May '10, 09:03) Amos

I found this on the Ubuntu forums:

Press> alt + F2 then enter the command "xfce4-panel" without the quotes and press enter.

that use to happen to me sometimes, the task-bar was shut down somehow, maybe a crash. I use to run the Xkill command for a locked-up program and before I had a chance to use it the program would shut down. then I would go to click on the task bar without canceling the kill command and would inadvertently kill the task bar.


answered 15 May '10, 04:42

madpuppy's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

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Asked: 14 May '10, 22:26

Seen: 1,796 times

Last updated: 16 May '10, 02:15

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