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I am running Ubuntu 10.04 connecting to a samba server (version 3.0.33-3.28.el5) running on CentOS. Right now I'm experiencing strange problems accessing the server via smb.

Issue 1: After upgrading CentOS from 5.4 to 5.5, I'm encountering errors on the samba server when editing files on the home directory from my Ubuntu machine. The home directory is mounted via fstab. The file will still open and close but only after a long delay. The strange thing is that these errors occur when editing on the home share but not on the other shares.

Error log on samba server:
May 24 16:39:03 mango smbd[15325]: [2010/05/24 16:39:03, 0] smbd/trans2.c:unix_filetype(1011)
May 24 16:39:24 mango smbd[15325]: unix_filetype: unknown filetype 448unix_filetype: unknown filetype 448unix_filetype: unknown filetype 448unix_filetype: unknown filetype 448192.168.1.100 ( closed connection to service rickyw

smb.conf configuation on server:
comment = Home Directories
path = /home/%u/documents
veto files = /.cmd/.com/.exe/.msi/.pif/.sys/autorun.inf/
delete veto files = yes
browseable = no
writable = yes

fstab entry on Ubuntu PC:
//mango/rickyw /media/mango-rickyw cifs auto,credentials=/home/rickyw/.smbpasswd 0 0

Issue 2: When I mount shares via nautilus, I am not able to open files. Instead, the files are opened with file roller showing an empty list. I am able to open the files if they are located on local drives or shares mounted via fstab.

Running Fedora 13 from VirtualBox in Ubuntu, there were no issues or errors at all. Any idea where I should look at? What do the errors mean?

asked 25 May '10, 08:01

Ricky%20Wee's gravatar image

Ricky Wee
accept rate: 0%

Please accept an answer so the question/answer can be finished. Or provide more details so we can help.

(20 Apr '11, 13:56) rfelsburg ♦

Issue 1: have you fsck'ed the partitions on the Samba server, just to be on the safe side?
448 seems to be an unknown UNIX_FILETYPE which, after a quick look at the code, must be one of the known unix ones, like a file, dir, socket, block and so on... it might be that something in (or around?) the file that you are trying to open is not properly defined in the allocation table?!


answered 01 Jun '10, 12:23

pmarini's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

I've not fsck'ed the samba server as the error does not appear with other clients on Windows and Fedora. With the error, the file opens and closes fine even though it takes 4 times longer.

(02 Jun '10, 06:50) Ricky Wee

aside from the usual suggestion of increasing the logging level of samba, you could try to report it here as at the moment searching the base of existing ones doesn't report any with "448" or "unix_filetype" so it must be new to them too

(02 Jun '10, 11:06) pmarini

For issue 2: Right click on the file, select 'open with another application'. In the resulting window, there should be an option to select an application, including OpenOffice, from a list, and a check box to make this the default for this file type.

For issue 1: I have no experience with this, but have you tried disabling the 'veto files' feature (at least just for troubleshooting)? I can't imagine why else the server would care about the file types.


answered 28 May '10, 04:16

SamsLembas's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%


The file association does not work on the samba share. Doing so will open up an empty document in OpenOffice instead of the file I selected. As I've mention, it works if it is mounted with fstab but not through Nautilus via the "Connect To Server" option.

(02 Jun '10, 06:02) Ricky Wee
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Asked: 25 May '10, 08:01

Seen: 5,296 times

Last updated: 20 Apr '11, 13:56

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