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I'm trying to install a game from 2 ISO files. I mount the ISO1 and run setup program.

$ sudo mount -o loop '/home/echo/Downloads/cd1.iso' /home/echo/virtualdrive/cd1
$ wineconsole cmd
Z:\> D:\Setup.exe

It goes fine until the point where it asks for the second CD. I try to eject the CD from a new terminal.

$ wine eject
Cannot open device for drive d:
$ sudo umount /home/echo/virtualdrive/cd1
umount: /home/echo/virtualdrive/cd1: device is busy.
        (In some cases useful info about processes that use
         the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))

I manage to unmount with -l option, mount the second CD and press OK to continue installation. I get the same prompt to insert the second CD.

I have tried a lot of commands from various forums. None of them worked. Can anyone help me out?

asked 27 May '10, 16:16

echoforever's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Are you able to mount both CD1 and CD2 and just point the installer at the 2nd when it requests it?

you could also try umount -f


answered 27 May '10, 16:48

gregularexpressions's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

not a Wine expert, but you should be able to mount the two ISO images at the same time (under different directories, obviously, thus showing as, say, D: and E:) and if the Setup.exe is smart enough it shouldn't matter that the two discs are in two different "drives" (at least that's how it works in a typical Windows system, unless they've done some nasty hard-coding in the setup code)


answered 01 Jun '10, 12:30

pmarini's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

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Asked: 27 May '10, 16:16

Seen: 2,551 times

Last updated: 29 Jun '10, 14:24

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