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I have been thinking about changing my laptop over to a more lightweight distro recently. I am currently running Linux Mint mainly because the gf is comfortable with it.

So does anyone have any other recommendations?

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asked 29 Jun '10, 14:25

TracerBullet's gravatar image

accept rate: 44%

edited 02 Jul '10, 13:22

On the account of this question's subjectivity, it would be great if you mark your question as community wiki.

(30 Jun '10, 06:11) guerda

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I am a big fan of Arch Linux. Arch Linux is a very lightweight and flexible distribution, which makes it perfect for laptops. Take the time to configure and optimize a bit, and you get a system which is exactly as you want it to be. :)

Also, don't be scared if you don't have perfect Linux knowledge, the documentation of Arch is very detailed (e.g.: Beginners' Guide).


answered 29 Jun '10, 15:46

Jazz's gravatar image

Jazz ♦
accept rate: 33%

Yeah I use Arch on my desktop. I think the only problem would be is I have SiS Mirage 3 graphics on this laptop and last time I looked the drivers were not working. I might go have a look in the AUR now come to think of it.

(30 Jun '10, 15:42) TracerBullet

I would highly recommend Xubuntu because it's lightweight, works great, simpler desktop environment with XFCE (versus Ubuntu's gnome and Kubuntu's KDE). As was suggested above, you could use Arch (or just plain old Gentoo), but I think going with Xubuntu would provide more of an out-of-the-box experience.


answered 29 Jun '10, 17:28

Ron's gravatar image

Ron ♦
accept rate: 13%

if you are already used to Mint try out the LXDE version, I have it running on an old Dell 600 its very nice.


answered 29 Jun '10, 22:15

lmguy's gravatar image

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You might consider Linux Mint XFCE. I second the suggestion for Arch Linux. It's almost as lightweight as you can get outside of LFS. The advantage is that you can add exactly what you want and nothing else. The best part is that you will have great control and great knowledge of your system.


answered 30 Jun '10, 06:55

kainosnous's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

I've been running Fedora on my laptops for a couple of years now and it works great.


answered 30 Jun '10, 13:57

JD50's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I hear Peppermint is good and developed by member(s) of the Mint-LXDE team. Personally, I like antiX-M8.5-i686 for just about anything, this year. It speeds up marginal computers of all sorts and even comes with a netbook option. If Debian is a preference, try antiX!


answered 30 Jun '10, 14:29

hilyard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

well, i'm running PuppyLinux. It seem to be doing everything for me. I tried to run other linux distros but my video card cannot support them. My video card cannot support Xorg, only Xvesa; and PuppyLinux is the only distro that gives the option to choose either Xorg or Xvesa on first run..... I don't know how to config the Xorg file for other distros', cos i'm a linux newbie.


answered 01 Jul '10, 01:35

Jay_Pablo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I put Slackware on all my laptops. I haven't had any problems, get access to all features, and it's easy to keep up to date with slackpkg.


answered 01 Jul '10, 22:33

codebunny's gravatar image

accept rate: 38%

I have Fedora13, Ubuntu10.04, Slack13 and windows7 running on my 18.5" acer 350GB laptop. After installing ubuntu/fedora I used the following website to add apps I like for music, videos and movies:

NOTE: It is for apt-get install but just change the command to yum install for fedora.

I use ubuntu 50%, fedora 40%, slack 9% and only use windows7 to run patches ( but I can grab files/programs from windows7 using ntfs-3g and play with them in linux so windows7 may be a plus 1% )

VIRUS PROTECTION = NONE. I just reinstall windows7 when it gets filthy - about every 3 months.


answered 02 Jul '10, 13:21

joe%201's gravatar image

joe 1
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edited 02 Jul '10, 13:27

I am currently running a Ubuntu 9.04 on an IBM Thinkpad T41. It runs very smoothly with good performance. I had Windows on this particular machine but Ubuntu screams on it. I'm sure I could go down to even more lightweight distribution but I'm pretty happy.

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 02 Jul '10, 16:05

Andy's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

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Asked: 29 Jun '10, 14:25

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