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I have been thinking about changing my laptop over to a more lightweight distro recently. I am currently running Linux Mint mainly because the gf is comfortable with it.

So does anyone have any other recommendations?

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 29 Jun '10, 14:25

TracerBullet's gravatar image

accept rate: 44%

edited 02 Jul '10, 13:22

On the account of this question's subjectivity, it would be great if you mark your question as community wiki.

(30 Jun '10, 06:11) guerda

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If your GF is comfortable with Mint, why you want to make her un-comfortable by opting another OS.

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 17 Aug '10, 15:50

Rohan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I have set up a dual boot for that exact reason.

I asked the question purely on the basis I wanted to try something new and wanted some recommendations. Also I am sure it is a question that would probably have been asked in the future anyway, so the sooner it was up the sooner everyone benefits from the responses.

(18 Aug '10, 15:26) TracerBullet

I've got Slackware 13.1 64 -multilib installed on my Acer laptop and it works like a charm. True that you need a bit of knowledge to get it installed but there's lot's of documentation and a great forum at to help you with your installation.

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 25 Aug '10, 06:18

EricTRA's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

I run Ubuntu on my new HP laptop. My opinion is that it's the slickest Linux distro. It also has the largest community, Which is great when you run in to problems. That being said I'm keeping my eye on Elementary OS.


answered 28 May '13, 01:56

Ahron%20Townsley's gravatar image

Ahron Townsley
accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 29 Jun '10, 14:25

Seen: 9,944 times

Last updated: 28 May '13, 01:56

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