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First , what is my requirement: I have Python + gtk base application which can be run on Gnome , KDE , LXDE Gui environment

What storage I would like to use: currently I am using Flash drives , SATA DOM , IDE DOM , Portable HDD etc for Installation, I want to start this Thin Client os in just 250 MB , What I’m expecting from OS: Keymap configuration, Network Configuration, + Audio Video Support that’s it.

Friends please suggest me the Linux os which can best fit to my requirement.

asked 01 Jul '10, 09:21

Chetan%20Diwani's gravatar image

Chetan Diwani
accept rate: 0%

You might want to take a look at DSL (damn small Linux) it is only 50mb I also hear good things about Slitaz

Hope this helps.


answered 01 Jul '10, 09:57

TracerBullet's gravatar image

accept rate: 44%

I agree with your answer also tried both the OS , and found DSL does have limited packages, I need python2.6 to run the apps. Slitaz seems to be very small + powerful Linux it also has own package management but it does not have the package for Python2.6.

Any way I can manage this by compiling the source code.

Last but not the list, Any Debian/Ubuntu base small OS any budy know where I can just do DPKG or apt and get any package I want,

I know I'm asking bit silly question , one side I require OS in 250 MB and other side I need all this feature... still any ideas

(02 Jul '10, 09:35) Chetan Diwani

Try Puppy Linux, I hear it has python pre installed.

(02 Jul '10, 13:35) TracerBullet

Puppy 4.3.1 + Check it out if you have not already -- don't know about python.


answered 04 Jul '10, 05:00

hilyard%201's gravatar image

hilyard 1
accept rate: 0%

I would also say Puppy small & lite!


answered 06 Jul '10, 08:17

1jnike's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

Slax misses python, but has 192MB footprint and Python can be easily converted to a native package from Slackware's original .tgz package. All needed tools are included with Slax alone. There most probably is an existing python 2.6 package available on the site: in the unofficial repositories?


answered 08 Jul '10, 10:54

cest73's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

How about Gentoo?


answered 05 Aug '10, 14:40

Ron's gravatar image

Ron ♦
accept rate: 13%

SliTaz is under 30mb. I don't think it has python, but you can install it easily enough.


answered 06 Aug '10, 01:14

SamsLembas's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

I apologize for this not directly answering your question, but my understanding of "thin clients" is a device that has no hard drive, but acts like a full-blown desktop after it boots off of the network.

In which case, you would need a DHCP server, and as far as needing Python + GTK, you mount the directories you need through NFS shares (or SMB, CIFS...whatever).

What are you trying to achieve, here? Would you be willing to provide a little insight into your current project?


answered 03 Sep '10, 14:43

indienick's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

HI indienick, Actuality this is Linux based customized OS we have keep Ubuntu with minimum GUI + Python + core drivers for now . Yes you are right thin client means disk less client which boot from PXE (Network) but our usage of Thin Client is to take the remote of Vms so we are able to do this by rdesktop, Now a days small HDD DOM available in SATA/IDE so our OS must be very small which could be installed in lets say 512 MB DOM . So searching for Os which works in less amount of local storage. Hope this should be clear..

(06 Sep '10, 09:25) Chetan Diwani

answered 21 Oct '10, 08:15

hilyard%202's gravatar image

hilyard 2
accept rate: 0%

Is that really a "thin" client ?????



answered 17 Nov '10, 20:06

Jonathan%20E.%20Brickman's gravatar image

Jonathan E. ...
accept rate: 0%

hi i have an old dell inspiron mini with lucid puppy on it, runs flawlessly! regards!


answered 11 Feb '11, 05:43

sunny69's gravatar image

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Asked: 01 Jul '10, 09:21

Seen: 7,053 times

Last updated: 25 Mar '11, 07:23

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