Please note that LinuxExchange will be shutting down on December 31st, 2016. Visit this thread for additional information and to provide feedback. The distro, Symphony OS, is closed, the websites down. The amazing part about mezzo desktop was that it was a localhost server based html/php/etc desktop. UNR is heading that way, but symphony os was there years ago. I would love to be able to try it out, modify it, redistribute an updated version with the authors permission. Does anyone have a copy of the .deb files for it? I can not find it anywhere. All google searches through pages link back to the down website.

asked 23 Apr '10, 17:34

george's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The 3 files I am looking for:

metatheme_x.x.x-x_i386.deb orchestra_x.x.x-x_i386.deb mezzo_x.x.x-x_i386.deb

and it looks like you can only install these after installing fvwm

(23 Apr '10, 17:53) george

so i found the torrent for symphony os

Is there a way to extract the .deb files out of it?

(23 Apr '10, 18:02) george

Select only required files from torrent, start download with your client.

(23 Apr '10, 19:31) Web31337

sadly it looks like there are no seeds on the torrent or leeches for that matter, anyone have a cd with symphonyone 2008.1?

(24 Apr '10, 21:04) george

George, I believe I have resolve the issue for you. Please see my post below, and let me know if this is whaty ou need.


(25 May '10, 20:13) Ron ♦

You can download Symphony OS here >>

From there, once you've installed the OS to a PC, sudo apt-get install dpkg-repack This will allow you to repackage the *.deb file(s)

I'd start there.

Hereis the md5 checksum

...and also the torrent if you wish to use that

It looks like someone else has been trying to find the *.deb file, back in 2007.


answered 25 May '10, 19:38

Ron's gravatar image

Ron ♦
accept rate: 13%

edited 25 May '10, 19:45


answered 22 May '10, 20:18

FewClues's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Neither of those links appear to move the OP any nearer to a solution.

(22 May '10, 21:06) Amos

Wow, I actually looked for a while to try and find it for you. And I honenstly can't find it anywhere.

Have you tried to contact the developer or dev team? They probably still have some of the stuff.


answered 07 May '10, 06:37

Pack3tg0st's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I really do appreciate it. It's amazing that no one has latched onto this idea for a server based php/mysql desktop. I really do feel that this is the future. All the possibilities astound me for remote cloud based versions of this. I am considering starting my own project/version of this and updating it to be current, strapping it on my own distro and letting it fly. There are just so many things you can do with it and the level of knowledge for someone to add/edit the desktop is just basic html/css to start.
This needs to happen.

(11 May '10, 12:37) george
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Asked: 23 Apr '10, 17:34

Seen: 12,334 times

Last updated: 20 Jul '10, 20:24

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