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Hello, I used to use a Bluetooth headset when communicating with Skype, etc.

This works quite OK with my Sony-Ericsson HBH-600 headset, paired to my Computer running Fedoara 11.

The headset died on me, so I got myself a new one, a Bluetrek Tattoo.

Now, pairing went well and all, but when I activate it, I get a loud buzzing, and playback sounds garbled (you can't understand people talking, music is not recognizable as such, etc) sometimes it appears as if the playback was in slow motion.

Any Ideas why that is?

Also, which headsets would you recommend for PC use, rather than pairing with a cell phone?

Regards, --polemon

asked 28 Apr '10, 11:48

polemon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I could suggest one or another but it's really difficult to say which one you will like.

My best answer is that you go on some online shopping website like Amazon and look under the category for "bluetooth headset" and then read the comments of the previous buyers to see which one would work fine


answered 12 May '10, 09:36

pmarini's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

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Asked: 28 Apr '10, 11:48

Seen: 4,603 times

Last updated: 17 Mar '11, 00:22

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