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i connect my nokia 7210 supernova phone to fedora 10 i can't see any extra partition what to do? help me please

asked 04 May '10, 17:03

yogesh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

How are you connecting the phone, USB?

(04 May '10, 21:53) gregularexpr...

Please accept an answer, or provide more details on what you're looking for.

(14 Jun '11, 11:46) rfelsburg ♦

You may have to ensure you have the telephone application installed, your phone may also appear as a mass storage device, depending on the desktop envorinment your using, KDE or Gnome, use a file browser utility.


answered 08 May '10, 02:19

1jnike's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

thank you its working ......after i install gnome its working.... pls give comments to connect gprs .....

(09 May '10, 14:44) yogesh

I am assuming connection via USB cable. In my Nokia phone there is an option in which mode USB cable connection is running. When you connect phone to computer you can choose from several options: 'PC Suite', 'Mass storage', 'Multimedia transfer', 'Network connection', etc. With Linux laptop I am using two modes: 'PC Suite' to use phone as a modem and 'Mass storage' to copy things between phone and computer. If you choose 'Mass storage' the device is seen as a normal USB Pendrive. In your phone try looking for settings -> connections -> usb -> mode of connection / ask during connecting or something like that.


answered 12 May '10, 19:24

maszynista's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

ya i understand but is there any packages to connect phone as like nokia pc suite in windows

(13 May '10, 17:16) yogesh

As far as I know on Linux there is no such complete solution for Nokia phones as PC Suite for Windows. To read SMS, manage contacts, manage other settings etc. 'Wammu' is an option. For connection to Internet 'Umtsmon' may suit your needs. Fastest GUI way I know to connect via Nokia phone to internet is using NetworkManager. Choose in your phone 'PC Suite' mode for USB cable. Then configure your connection in NetworkManager (Ubuntu). Of course there are other options (umtsmon, kppp, gnome-ppp, wvdial, manually editing ppp scripts, etc.)

(14 May '10, 07:41) maszynista
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Asked: 04 May '10, 17:03

Seen: 4,919 times

Last updated: 14 Jun '11, 11:46

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