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Yesterday, my Debian squeeze received updates, and after the restart no Audio is working and I get the error "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found"

asked 21 Mar '11, 05:23

Hayman's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you boot the Debian Live CD and run off of that, does the audio work? If so, then create a list of all of those packages by doing:

sudo dpkg -l >> Packages-Live-CD.txt

Now boot into Debian off of your hard drive and do that command again:

sudo dpkg -l >> Packages-Installed.txt

Now compare the two files and look at the file versions.

You can also check in /var/log and dmesg for data to see how things are loading. I would do this on both the HDD installed Debian AND also on the Live CD version of it as well. You could also save these log files and compare them as well.

I think you have some data gathering to do so you can make a proper assessment. At first glace, it looks like it may be an update that cause this to stop working, or maybe it's something else. I spend most of my time researching an issue, which incidentally reduces the time (and my frustration) in actually fixing the issue. This makes much more sense than just poking around hit 'n miss trying to shotgun the issue and hoping something sticks. Even if that method DOES work, if you don't understand how, why, where, when, and what was fixed, the cause and resolution of the issue, it makes for tedious re-working of the same (or a very similar) issue in the future.

As you progress at gathering data, your research time will also lessen as you'll become much more adept at not only finding the data you need, but filtering out what is not relevant to the particular issue.

Troubleshooting is key in any technical environment, but some of those environments, such as Linux, allow you to have much more access to data than other systems, such as Windows.

If my answer has helped you, please mark it as an answer. Thank you.


answered 25 Mar '11, 17:17

Ron's gravatar image

Ron ♦
accept rate: 13%

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Asked: 21 Mar '11, 05:23

Seen: 1,972 times

Last updated: 25 Mar '11, 17:17

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