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Can the Linux kernel configuration item: CONFIG_INTEL_TXT be safely deleted? If so, please advise step-by-step (I'm a newbie). Thanks!

asked 20 Apr '12, 19:21

Senex's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

CONFIG_INTEL_TXT can be safely removed. Do you need help with configuring the kernel? Can you provide more info?


answered 26 Apr '12, 06:49

peterius's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Well the kernel is GPL (, that means there's not really any Digital Rights Management stuff in it. So all you really need to do is make sure not to use any external firmware drivers.

However, if you search for "linux DRM", you're going to come up with a bunch of "Direct Rendering Manager" stuff which has nothing to do with Digital Rights Management, its part of the video driver/X stuff.

(30 Apr '12, 12:04) peterius

Yes, never used Linux OS before, so will need to start from scratch with this "configuring the kernel". My custom-build will be dual-boot (XP Pro & Linux). I've already done the research needed to erase the boatload of DRM crapola lil Billie Gates has secreted into XP, using nLite, XPlite, etc. Now it looks like I must do a 'search&destroy' mission on Linux as well. Google has not been helpful with this, so need advice & direction to remove the nasties from the various Linux operating systems I want to trial. So far it appears most of the DRM-based junk is in the kernel, but research is only preliminary.

Whatever info you need to help, feel free to ask, and I'll provide. And thanks for offering to help!


answered 29 Apr '12, 17:48

Senex's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 20 Apr '12, 19:21

Seen: 1,709 times

Last updated: 30 Apr '12, 12:04

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