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But I can log in with that spinning cursor..but lot of other fucntionality missing.I am told at gentoo forums that I have more then one gnome installed in my system.I need to figure out how I can enlist them and get rid of them?

Something is definately broken..but couldn't pinpoint what is actually causing it...due to my lack of brilliance and time.

I know eselect ..that doesn't help either.I know unmerge...but I need to know...what is in respect to gnome is installed...I know q and I have genlop installed..and used it with find out..but alas!

Can someone show me the way...exactly how can I determine how many gnome instances I have installed from user space on Gentoo?

asked 27 Aug '12, 04:56

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Asked: 27 Aug '12, 04:56

Seen: 1,150 times

Last updated: 27 Aug '12, 04:56

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