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Do any body know Source based Linux distribution or build system that allow to use package build directly from checkout of project's repository, except Linux from Scratch.

Gentoo is also providing package kept in mirror, not directly from project repository.

asked 14 Apr '10, 06:19

sharad's gravatar image

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(20 Apr '11, 14:10) rfelsburg ♦

SUSE Studio allows you to create a customized linux "distro", based off of selected repositories. Essentially you start with the raw SUSE OS and then select from thousands of packages, boot up graphics, etc.

Other then that, I can't think of anything that would be in that general category.


answered 14 Apr '10, 15:54

r0000t's gravatar image

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Not a going concern AFAIK, but this reminded me of ESR's Shipper tool - which did attempt to create a standard interface to a number of code repositories. This is / was more for pushing code in, than pulling it out though.

Personally I'm not too sure this is really that good an idea as the basis of a distro as the distro developers have no control over the code going into the system, meaning that things could work lovely or be horribly broken at any point in time.


answered 14 Apr '10, 20:57

acid_kewpie's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

I was not aware of it, I will check it. - thanks

(15 Apr '10, 16:21) sharad

Gentoo is also providing package kept in mirror, not directly from project repository.

Gentoo stores ebuilds in the portage repository. Ebuilds are scripts which specify build and runtime dependencies, the location of the source code, and other things to successfully compile, link, and install an application or library. But the source code itself is not stored in portage. An ebuild can fetch source code directly from CVS, SVN and GIT among other things.


answered 15 Apr '10, 01:21

wsherman's gravatar image

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Yes I were using Gentoo, it is great, Gentoo derivative funtoo I was using, looking old, because of this I tempted to ask this question) Direct fetch cvs/git/svn option is there, but ebuild was not designed with this goal, I can change few ebuild's for direct fetch (from cvs/svn/git etc) but not most. I think wiki kind of distribution could be a solution ... gwiki gentowki wikilinux

(15 Apr '10, 16:41) sharad

With Arch Linux, anything in the AUR repository is downloaded from the project source and compiled in most cases.


answered 15 Apr '10, 14:02

Paul's gravatar image

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Slackware + sbopkg/slackpkg possibly?

Are you looking for a link to the package's homesite rather than a repository? If so, thats a massively tall order since all distros do some repackaging to make the files installable and searchable by the package managers.

Does Rock Linux match what you need?


answered 15 Apr '10, 16:11

XavierP's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

I'll second the Arch Linux suggestion, it's truely a great distribution that is very clean and lightweight yet packed with nice features, as mentioned AUR (Arch User Repository) contains thousands of submissions for package builds, the build scripts are capable of grabbing the source from tarballs or cvs/svn/git/bzr/you name it, and if what you desire is not already submitted then writing the build script is a breeze, there are also tools available to compliment the package manager so that these custom built packages can be kept up-to-date easily. If you require more power and control, the best of both worlds with binary packages and package builds from source, also the ability to modify and build any of the binary packages provided from the main repositories via ABS (Arch Build System) then definately check out this distribution.

Arch Linux Website


answered 09 Aug '10, 01:22

Jinx's gravatar image

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Asked: 14 Apr '10, 06:19

Seen: 4,855 times

Last updated: 20 Apr '11, 14:10

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