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I'm looking for a USB sound card, that meets the following criteria:

  1. Has decent Linux driver compat
  2. Has a stereo line-in and stereo line-out (most cards have a mono line-in for mics)
  3. Is small (usb thumb drive size preferably)
  4. Doesn't alter or process the sound (e.g. THX enhancements)

Right now, the only devices I've found are: [ a little too large for what I want] [not sure if it supports Linux, and seems to modify the signal]

Thanks in advance if anyone has experience with this - haven't had much luck searching for it online.

asked 16 Jul '13, 04:20

varunsrin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The Asus Xonar U3 is Linux compatible and small. I believe that most USB cards are compatible. The Asus Windows driver has a "balance" option for the mic, so it's apparently stereo. As far as the effects go, you may be able to just turn them off. I'm not familiar enough with the driver to be positive. You may find more Linux specific information here: Alsa page for USB sound (Includes Xonar U3)

The Xonar U3 falls under the above driver.


answered 01 Aug '13, 08:42

purevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

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Asked: 16 Jul '13, 04:20

Seen: 7,422 times

Last updated: 01 Aug '13, 08:42

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